“Opportunity is quick to pass on, and slow to come back.”
Imam Ali (a) Mizanul Hikmah

Salaamun Alaykum.

Wiladat Mubarak on the upcoming birth anniversary of Bibi Zaynab (a). To celebrate the wiladat, inshaAllah, on Sunday all students will receive a treat at the end of the Dinyat class.

Teachers & Admin Volunteers Appreciation

Since Bibi Zaynab (a) is known as ‘Alima ghair Mu’alima (the scholar without a teacher), in addition to celebrating her wiladat, we will, inshaAllah, also honour all our Teachers and Admin volunteers who are investing their time and effort to provide Islamic knowledge for our students. Alhamdulillah, we are blessed to have such a wonderful team of dedicated volunteers. Kindly take a few minutes to send a note of appreciation or acknowledgement for the work they are doing by sending an email to the class e-mail id (xyz@al-haadi.ca, where x = D or Q for dinyat or Quran, y = grade, z = a or b), or saying a salawat or dua on their behalf. Appreciation messages for Admin volunteers can be sent to admin@al-haadi.ca.


We are all concerned about the safety of all the students, volunteers and parents. Additional security guard has been assigned for this Sunday, in addition to our volunteer safety team.  Note that Door #6 will be locked 10 min. after class start time and any students coming late must be accompanied by parent/guardian and need to be signed in. Please make arrangements to pick up your child latest by 2:35 pm and arrange a meeting spot. Note that this Sunday, there will be a majlis program so gents will not be able to use Door #1 (ladies entrance) for pickup or exit.

A Community Update regarding safety issued by ISIJ has been posted in Resources for Students, Parents, Volunteers – Google Drive

Parents assistance is requested….

a.  Missing snacks/lunch
Several students are coming without a snack or lunch, nor any money to purchase limited number of pizza slices. They are asking volunteers for snacks or trying to get from other students. Kindly send a nut free snack with your child(ren) as we do not have the budget to provide snacks/lunch for all students.

b. Students not observing dress code
Boys need to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants. Baligha girls need to wear abayya and head covering which covers all the hair, and no makeup or fake nails/nail polish.

c. Students who are misbehaving in class
Alhamdulillah, majority of our students are showing excellent akhlaq. However, a few students are playing around with items that do not belong to them, showing disrespect to teachers, and/or causing distractions. This is not good akhlaq and impacts the learning for other students. Kindly re-iterate to your children to behave. Students who are not identified as having an IEP or medical condition will be given two warnings and if the disturbance continues, he/she will be moved out of the classroom to work on the lesson independently. If the behaviour continues, parent will be called to pick up the child. If your child has an IEP or needs accommodation, please ensure it is communicated to applicable staff by logging onto www.al-haadi.ca and updating the child info by Nov. 22nd. 

Extra-curricular activities
Several parents have asked to incorporate sports or outdoor activities.  We are looking into the feasibility of this. One of the first requirements is to have a team of volunteers who will commit to planning and conducting this program. If you are interested in helping with this program, please submit the Volunteer Application form and specify Sports/Outdoors activity in the Comments field.

AHSC Volunteers Application form: https://forms.gle/MW3STaio5PkC9Q6N8

Key Upcoming Dates

Dec. 10: Ummal Ayyimah Walk-Through Museum (exhibits prepared by students)
Dec. 10: Partnering for Success Parents Session (10:45 – 12 noon)
Dec. 24 & 31: closed for winter break

If you have any questions or suggestions, kindly send an e-mail to admin@al-haadi.ca.


Fatima Khimji    &     Amjad Datoo
Principal                   Vice Principal

Al-Haadi Study Centre
Instagram: @alhaadistudycentre
AHSC Tech Support/Suggestion form: https://forms.gle/7yrnM2M8FVZCWaSQ8
AHSC Volunteers Application form: https://forms.gle/MW3STaio5PkC9Q6N8
To report an absence, send e-mail to Quran and Dinyat class email ids and absence@al-haadi.ca