AHSC update: Classes as usual on Feb. 9
Salaam. 1. Classes as usual on Feb. 9, starting at 10:45 am. We are monitoring the weather conditions and will advise of any cancellation. 2. Lunch program continues on Feb. 9 for all who have signed up. A limited number of slices are available for purchase at $2.50 per slice. Read more
AHSC update: Pizza for all on Feb. 3 to celebrate wiladats
Salaam. Wiladat Mubarak to all. InshaAllah, this Sunday, we'll celebrate the wiladats of Imam Hussayn (a), Hadhrat Abbas (a) and Imam Ali Zaynul Abideen (a), with fun activities. Grades 1-4 will take part in a art related activity, grades 5-12 can play trivia game during lunch break, and grades 6-12 Read more
Highlights of 2023-2024 & Plans for 2024-2025
Al-Haadi Calendar 2024/2025 (pdf)
Al-Haadi 2024-2025 Student Planner
Helping Students (and Parents) transition back to a new Academic Year
New Student Registration Al-Haadi Study Centre
Registration Process for Returning Students
Google Classroom Presentation for Parents