“Opportunity is quick to pass on, and slow to come back.”
                     Imam Ali (a) Mizanul Hikmah

Salaamun Alaykum.

On behalf of the Al-Haadi Study Centre team, our condolences and duas to all of you on the recent passing of Marhum Syed Asad Jafri. He touched many lives and has left a huge void. InshaAllah, we will continue his legacy by acting upon the guidance of his many lectures. May Allah (swt) grant Marhum an exalted station and may He grant patience and sabr to his family and everyone affected during this emotional time.

InshaAllah, this Sunday, our Student Council will conduct a memorial for Marhum Syed Asad Jafri during the Salaat program, for Grades 6-12. All parents and volunteers are invited to join jamaat salaat at JCC Masjid e Ghadeer and attend the memorial from 12 noon – 12:30 pm.

Reminder to turn your clocks back tonight….see below for Timetable for Nov. 5-Dec. 17.

This update includes:
1. Timetable (Nov. 5 – Dec. 17)
2. Support for students, parents, volunteers
3. On Time Attendance Class Challenge
4. Key Upcoming Dates

See “Community Announcements/Events’ below for training opportunity open to Grade 12 students and all parents and volunteers.

Timetable Nov. 5-Dec. 17

We try to align our timetable for older students as much as possible to Salaat times. See below for the updated timetable for Grades 4-12.

Support for Students, Parents, and Volunteers

The recent passing away of Marhum Syed Asad Jafri has affected many of us. InshaAllah, this Sunday, in addition to the memorial by Student Council, our Counsellor/Social Worker, Br. Ali Raza will conduct a presentation for volunteers during the break as well as offer his assistance to students.

As well, the conflicts around us and how Muslims are portrayed can lead to anxiety, fear, behavior issues and strong emotions. Alhamdulillah, we have volunteers who can help. See below for message by our volunteer Social Worker, Br. Ali Raza, of Jaffari Support Services (JSS), who can provide some support not just for handling the current world conflict, but also for other issues or life changes such as illness, separation or death of a loved one.

My name is Ali Raza Hasan Ali and I am the School Social worker at Al-Haadi Study Centre. I hope this message finds you in good health. I want to take a moment to acknowledge the significant distressing events that have been unfolding in Palestine. These events can evoke a range of emotions, concerns, and questions for members of our community. As the social worker at Al-Haadi Study Centre, I am here to offer my support and lend a listening ear to students, staff, volunteers, and parents, who may be feeling the impact of these events.

In light of the ongoing situation, I would like to offer brief (15-20 minute) check-in meetings to discuss any concerns or feelings you may have related to these events. These check-ins will be a safe and confidential space for you to express your thoughts, ask questions, and receive emotional support if needed.

During these check-in meetings, we can explore ways to cope with distress, discuss available resources, or simply engage in conversation. My aim is to provide a supportive environment where we can collectively navigate these challenging times. Please note that all conversations will remain confidential and non-judgmental, and will only be completed under the agreement of informed consent.

If you would like to schedule a check-in with me for yourself or your child, please reach out to me via email at support@al-haadi.ca, and I will do my best to accommodate your preferred time.

We are a strong and resilient community, and we will navigate these challenging times together. Please remember that you are not alone, and support is available.


Ali Raza Hasan Ali
MSW, RSW, School Social Worker @ Jaffari Support Services

On-Time Attendance Class Challenge 
Quran classes start at 10:45 am. Help your child get the benefit of a full class of Quran and help your child’s class win the prize by bringing him/her on time.

  • Challenge Period: Oct. 15 – Dec. 17.
  • Criteria: 80% of students plus one teacher in classroom and attendance submitted by 10:55 am.
  • The class with most number of Sundays which meets the criteria will win a free lunch on Jan. 7th.

Key Upcoming Dates

Nov. 5: Timetable change for G5-12 due to Daylight Savings Time End.
Dec. 3: Partnering for Success Parents Session

If you have any questions or suggestions, kindly send an e-mail to admin@al-haadi.ca.


Fatima Khimji    &     Amjad Datoo
Principal                   Vice Principal

Al-Haadi Study Centre
Instagram: @alhaadistudycentre
AHSC Tech Support/Suggestion form: https://forms.gle/7yrnM2M8FVZCWaSQ8
AHSC Volunteers Application form: https://forms.gle/MW3STaio5PkC9Q6N8
To report an absence, send e-mail to Quran and Dinyat class email ids and absence@al-haadi.ca