Term 1 reports will be available via Al-Haadi portal on Jan. 26, inshaAllah. To access the report, log in at, using family id and password and select Reports from left panel. Kindly share results with your child(ren) and recognize efforts resulting in Excellent Achievement (EA) or Satisfactory Achievement (SA). Congratulations to all students who achieved Honours in one or more categories.
Students who received an LA (limited achievement) or NR (no report) in any category can improve the mark for year end awards by completing missed assignments.
· For Quran, Tafseer mark, students need to complete the pages of the workbook. For Recitation and Hifd, practising for 10 min, every day will help significantly. Students in Grades 5 and up who received LA in recitation will be invited for weekday Quran Tutoring pending volunteers availability.
· For Dinyat, Grades 6-12 (except D7A), students need to use Tarbiyah Digital Portal (TDP) to complete test questions for each of the lessons already covered in class… note that students in Grades 9-11 will not be able to advance to next grade next year unless all the end of lesson tests are completed and a minimum 60% is achieved on all modules. Parental support is requested to encourage/remind students to complete missed work.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
All parents are encouraged to set up some time with teachers to discuss student’s progress. Send an e-mail to the Teachers using class e-mail id (see below) indicating a couple of dates/times to meet onsite at JCC on Sunday (for Quran 12 noon – 2:30 pm and for Dinyat 10:45 – 12 noon) or via phone call during the week This is especially recommended for any students who received LA (limited achievement) or NR (no report) in any category. It will be very helpful for parents to discuss the results with the Teacher and jointly develop an action plan to help your child progress in term 2.
Class e-mail id is where x = D or Q for Dinyat or Quran, y = 1-12 for Grade, and z = A or B (see parents portal).
To report an absence or early pickup, please use the form for each child rather than sending an email to admin ….this will ensure the absences due to illness or travel are taken into account when calculating the Markarimul akhlaq marks.
Link to Student Absence/Late Arrival/Early Pickup:

Both parents can join our Whatsapp Community for Al-Haadi Study Centre announcements, as we don’t have a limitation in number of participants unlike this email mailing list.
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Fatima Khimji & Syed Mehdi Raza
Principal Vice Principal
Al-Haadi Study Centre | | Instagram: @alhaadistudycentre
To report an absence or early pickup, click here
To join our awesome volunteers team, apply here |