Salaamun alaykum.

We’re looking forward to Sept. 8, our first day of the new school year.
Reminders for tomorrow….

Many thanks to all who have sent the RSVP for Sept. 8 session.  For those who haven’t, please do so today. Submit the form, even if you cannot attend as there are policies to be reviewed.
Link to RSVP:

First Day – Sept 8
All students and parents to arrive by 10:45 am.
There will be Quran class for grade 1-3 students only. See map in Student Planner posted on for room info.

As mentioned in prior communications, Grades 4-12 students and all parents to attend mandatory Info Session at 10:45 am in Marhaba Hall. Agenda includes Student behavior policy, assessments, Challenge programs and Quran & Dinyat curriculum, etc.

At 12 noon, students will go to 2nd floor for lunch break (bring packed lunch) and Dinyat classes, while parents stay in Marhaba for a very interesting session by Sister Mubina Jaffer, Mindset Coach, titled “Propel Your Child’s Success”. Refreshments will be served for parents at the end of the program (approx. 1 pm).

Note parents are required to supervise their G4-12 children until 12 noon. Fathers can drop off daughters to Marhaba Hall, ladies entrance. Mothers can drop off sons to entrance to Marhaba Hall closest to stairs near Gate of Sadiq (a) Gate #6. Volunteers will be near the stairs to direct where to go.

Dress Code:
Females: over 9 years old: long, loose fitting abayya & head covering.
Males: long sleeve shirt with long pants.
See Student Planner for more info.

Drop-off & Pickup for Sept. 8:

Boys and fathers to enter from Gate of Sadiq (a) Door 6. Grades 4-12 boys and all fathers to use circular stairs inside Door #6 to go to Marhaba hall.

Door #1 will be open for females on Sept. 8th due to ISIJ ladies majlis. Girls grades 4-12 and moms to use stairs #1 to go to Marhaba hall for info session.

Grade 1-3 classes end at 2:20 pm... pickup child(ren) from main floor classroom.
Grades 4-12 classes end at 2:30 pm… pickup child(ren) from Atrium on 1st floor near Door #6. Please arrange a meeting spot with your child(ren). 
Volunteers have other commitments too, so children  must be picked up latest by 2:40 pm. After 2:40 pm, parent will need to enter from Door #3, and come to 2nd floor to sign out the child.

Early pickup: submit form & go to Coordinator’s desk to sign out (g1-3 near Door #6, G4-5 boys & girls & G6-12 girls on 2nd floor near Stairs 1, G6-12 boys on 2nd floor near Stairs 5). For safety reasons, parents cannot go directly to the classroom.
Link to Student Absence/Late Arrival/Early Pickup:

Google Classrooms will be used for announcements, lesson material, and assessments. By Sept. 6, invites to Google Classrooms (GCs) will inshaAllah  be sent to all students already registered. Student e-mail id is being used for the invitation if it was provided during registration; if not, invite has been sent to parent’s email id.  Please ensure you/your child accept the invite as soon as possible to read Teacher’s announcements, etc. If an invite hasn’t been received, check in spam/junk folder.  Invites to students who registered late will inshaAllah, receive invites next week.

Supplies & Lunch: please review the guidelines in Student Planner, pack writing supplies and a healthy peanut/ tree nut free lunch to avoid impacting students with allergies; Tree nuts includes cashews, almonds, etc. Nutella and sesame seeds are also not allowed.

Cellphones & electronics e.g. gaming devices:  Students are not allowed to use devices between 10:45 am – 2:30 pm.  If you have an urgent message for your child, during these hours, call the office line at 905-695-1587. Teachers/Admin will keep the device until end of classes if a student does not adhere to the no cellphone/electronics use policy. Note AHSC will not be responsible for lost or damaged cellphones. Students are advised to not bring cellphones or devices.

Book loans:
Storybooks will be loaned to students in Grades 1-4 starting Sept. 15. Return outstanding storybook from last year to ensure your child gets a new book on Sept. 15.

Students are requested to bring copy of Quran Manuals and/or Quran Iqra 3 Tajweed Rules books which were provided last year as they can be re-used this year.

Documents on
This year’s Calendar and Student Planner containing guidelines & policies have been posted on . Scroll down the Documents section on the right side of the home page. The Calendar contains the timetable. Review the other documents such as helping students to transition back to school and Islamic Fundamentals notes.

Key Upcoming Dates

Sept. 8: Students & Parents Info session, then Dinyat class
Sept. 8 & 15: Quran recitation assessments and class re-assignments based on recitation ability
Sept. 10: Sign up opens for optional lunch program
Sept. 15-23: Tarbiyah Digital Portal (TDP) logins sent to students of Grades 6-12.
Sept. 28: Mailing list will be refreshed to remove parents who have not registered children for 2024-2025
Sept. 29: Islamic Fundamentals test due for G7-12
Sept. 29: Lunch program start

If you have any questions or suggestions, kindly send an e-mail to  We look forward to seeing everyone again in September. Have a wonderful summer and stay safe!


Fatima Khimji    &     Syed Mehdi Raza
Principal                    Vice Principal

Al-Haadi Study Centre  | | Instagram: @alhaadistudycentre
To report an absence or early pickup, click here
To join our awesome volunteers team, apply here