Mahe Ramadhan Mubarak to all. May we all be able to maximize the benefits of this month.Schedule for month of Ramadhan (timetable will be adjusted based on salaat time):
March 2 open, 11 am – 2:15 pm
March 9 closed due to March Break
March 16 open, 11 am – 2 pm
March 23 & 30 closed due to Laylatul Qadr & possible Eid day
Pizza lunch program will be paused during month of Ramadhan. Parents to send nut free packed lunch for students who are not able to fast. For those who had signed up, March 2nd will be replaced by June 1st. Next pizza lunch program will be April 6.
Please support Youth Forum class fundraising bazaar, tomorrow, March 2nd at 1:45 – 3 pm. Silent auction starts at 11 am. Many thanks to Youth Forum students and teachers, and all our sponsors and donors.

Annual Quran Recitation for Ahlul Bayt (a) and Marhumeen
As in past years, all students, parents, and volunteers are welcome to join us and share in the recitation of the Holy Quran during the month of Ramadan. We’re dedicating the recitation as follows:
– gift to Ahlul Bayt (a)
– thawab for all volunteers who have passed away
– thawab for all our marhumeen
– thawab for all marhumeen who don’t have anyone to pray for them
Use the link below and enter your initials to recite one or more surah(s). Kindly leave the short surahs for students in Grades 1-4. Please complete all recitations latest by Friday, March 28, 2025.
Link: http://
See ISIJ community announcement below, regarding Darsa competition. Our students have a lot of potential and we hope many will participate in the competition.
Both parents can join our Whatsapp Community for Al-Haadi Study Centre announcements, as we don’t have a limitation in number of participants unlike this email mailing list.
If you wish to stop receiving email updates via Mailchimp, use the Mailchimp ‘unsubscribe’ option.
To report an absence or early pickup, please use the form for each child rather than sending an email to admin ….this will ensure the absences due to illness or travel are taken into account when calculating the Markarimul akhlaq marks.
Link to Student Absence/Late Arrival/Early Pickup:
Al-Haadi Study Centre Admin Team
Al-Haadi Study Centre | | Instagram: @alhaadistudycentre
To report an absence or early pickup, click here
To join our awesome volunteers team, apply here |