Salaamun alaykum,

Alhamdulillah, we are at the end of the school year. On behalf of the Management Committee, we would like to thank all the volunteers, students, and parents for making this a memorable year.

Year end report cards are available via parents portal on using family login and password. If you have any questions regarding the report, please send an e-mail to the class e-mail id, cc, subject “Report”.

Please return outstanding loaned Tarbiyah storybooks or Band C-F textbooks at registration desk on June 23. Quran Manuals can be returned provided they have not been written in or damaged. We are not collecting any other books.

Grades 9, 10 & 11: an email will be sent to parents if child received an LA (limited achievement) on any dinyat module.  Students will need to complete lessons via Tarbiyah Digital Platform by July 31 in order to move to next grade in Sept.

2023/24 Awards & Graduation Event: Sunday, June 23, 2024 JCC Marhaba Hall, 10:30 am – 1 pm.
Entrance: Gate of Zahra (a) (Door #1)

We are very excited to celebrate students and volunteers achievements and share next year’s plans. Many thanks to all who have registered… a meal for all and gifts for students have been arranged. If you are planning to attend but have not yet RSVPed, please do so now to avoid disappointment.

– Graduates to arrive by 10:20 am at Games room
– Students & guests to arrive by 10:30 am so everyone can get settled, teachers can hand out trophies and awards, and we can start promptly at 10:45 am.
– attendees who arrive by 10:50 am will be eligible for a raffle at the end of the program with a prize of 1 ground package for ziyarat in Iraq in Dec. sponsored by Alamdaar Group.
– Females to get meal/raffle ticket from registration desk near ladies entrance to hall, males to walk down corridor to registration desk at men’s entrance. Fathers of students in grades 1-4 to get child’s raffle ticket at desk near ladies entrance.
-Shoes for grades 1-4 students to be placed in shoe racks marked for the class so it is easy for teachers to help students find their shoes.
– Students to sit with classmates… see sign for the class in the hall.  Grades 1-4 to sit on the ladies side.
– All students who attend will, inshaAllah, receive a gift voucher; students in grades 6-12 will receive an extra gift voucher if they earned enough reward stamps.
– Islamic dress code is mandatory; baligha females to wear abaya, males to wear long sleeve shirt and long pants.
– Grades 1-4 & CC students will leave the hall with their teachers around 12 noon and go to Games room or classrooms to eat lunch and do activities. If parents would like to take Grades 1-4 students home after 1st part, please advise the Teacher before the program starts.
– Lunch for all other students and guests will be provided when the ceremony ends, around 1 pm. .

Key upcoming dates:

June 30 – Sept. 7: Summer Holidays
Aug. 1: Registration opens for all retuning students & those entering Grade 1 (age 5 years by end of Dec. 2024)
Aug. 15: Registration opens for new students
Aug. 25: Registration closes
Sept. 8: Madrassah re-opens, inshaAllah.

We thank you for your support. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send to .


Fatima Khimji    &     Amjad Datoo
Principal                    Vice Principal

Al-Haadi Study Centre  | | Instagram: @alhaadistudycentre
To report an absence or early pickup, send e-mail to Quran and Dinyat class email ids and
Submit Tech Support/Suggestion here  Want to Volunteer Apply here